B.5.1 Define fitness
Fitness is the physical condition of a body that allows it to perform exercise of a particular type
- Fitness is specific to the type of activity being performed (e.g. a strong swimmer may not be a strong runner)
B.5.2 Discuss speed and stamina as measures of fitness
- Speed is the rate at which movement is performed and relies predominantly on fast-twitch muscle fibres
- Stamina is the capacity for sustained exercise or performance and relies more on slow-twitch muscle fibres
- Measures of fitness can be used to show improvement in performance (e.g. timing duration of activity: longer = ñ stamina; shorter = ñ speed)
- As performance improves, there should also be a shortening of the time taken for the heart to return to resting rate
B.5.3 Distinguish between fast and slow muscle fibres
- Fast and slow muscle fibres are differentiated by the time needed between contractions of the muscle fibres
- Fast muscle fibres have greater oxygen needs, lower myoglobin levels and provide a maximum work rate over a shorter period of time (strength)
- Slow muscle fibres have a very good blood supply, plenty of myoglobin and are capable of sustained activity and high rates of aerobic respiration
Comparison of Fast and Slow Muscle Fibres
![Screen Shot 2013-02-06 at 9.45.52 AM](../../_Media/screen-shot-2013-02-06-at_med.jpeg)
B.5.4 Distinguish between the effects of moderate-intensity and high-intensity exercise on fast and slow muscle fibres
- Fast muscle fibres can release large amounts of energy in a short period of time via anaerobic respiration – they contain large amounts of glycogen
- Slow muscle fibres release energy more slowly by aerobic respiration but continue for longer – they rely more on respiratory substrates in the blood
- Moderate-intensity exercise (e.g. long-distance running or swimming) stimulate the development (in size) of slow muscle fibres
- High-intensity exercises (e.g. sprinting or weight-lifting) stimulate the development (in size) of fast muscle fibres
Fast and Slow Muscle Fibres
![fast and slow fibres](../../_Media/fast-and-slow-fibres_med.jpeg)
B.5.5 Discuss the ethics of using performance-enhancing substances, including anabolic steroids
Arguments For:
- Some naturally occurring substances can vary according to individual genetics, so it would level out all athletes
- Should be able to advance sporting performance to the maximum possible level (greater spectacle)
- Allows injured athletes to recover faster
- Would provide employment and economic benefit by opening up a new market
Arguments Against:
- Many performance-enhancing substances have negative side effects (e.g. high doses of anabolic steroids can cause liver disease)
- Would function to give some athletes an unfair advantage over others (wealthy would benefit at expense of the poor)
- Some may be artificially synthesised and so not represent normal processes (i.e. are unnatural)
- As currently illegal, using the substances provides profits for criminal organisations