- If you have been selected to be a beta tester for the BioNinja app, please follow the instructions below
- Otherwise, please be patient - the app will soon be freely available to all on the Appstore (Android version is in the pipeworks too)
How to run the app:
1. Download the two files below onto your computer
2. Drag the files into iTunes in order to add to your device
3. As far as I am aware, you add the app by syncing
4. If troubles persist, come see me
5. Please use the crap out of this app over the next week or so to let me know if there are issues (there probably will be)
File 1: BioNinja App Program
File 2: BioNinja VCE App Program
File 2: Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile
Android app:
1. While on your phone, download the file below
2. Run it and use it
File 1: BioNinja App Program (Android)