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Role of Water

The presence of water is an essential requirement for the formation of life

  • The polarity of water will cause non-polar lipids to spontaneously form lipid bilayers when in solution

  • The thermal properties of water will help to maintain a stable internal environment needed for homeostasis

  • Water will dissolve any polar or charged substance, making it an excellent medium for metabolic reactions

  • The assembly of complex organic molecules requires water as a reagent (condensation polymerisation)

Water on Earth

When the Earth was forming, the materials involved in its accretion would have contained a sizeable quantity of water vapour

  • However, high temperatures would have prevented this water from condensing and low gravity would have resulted in most of the vapour being lost to space

Consequently,the large bodies of water on Earth are hypothesised to have instead originated from asteroids formed further from the Sun

  • These asteroids formed at a distance from the Sun where the cooler temperatures would have allowed the water to be frozen as ice

  • When the asteroids collided with Earth, the planet had achieved sufficient mass (and gravity) to retain the water and had cooled enough for it to condense

Extraplanetary Origins
Water in Space

The presence of liquid water is an essential condition when searching for other habitable planets with extraterrestrial lifeforms

  • The Goldilocks zone is the range of distance from a star where the right temperatures would exist for liquid water to exist on a planet

  • The relevant distances will depend on the size and temperature of the star – the habitable zone will be further away from hotter stars 

  • Very few planets discovered within a Goldilocks zone also possess a suitable mass or atmosphere for liquid water to exist on the planetary surface

Goldilocks Zone
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