bioninja title

Respiratory System (AHL)

AHL Content Statements

  • B3.1.11
    Adaptations of foetal and adult haemoglobin for the transport of oxygen

  • Include cooperative binding of oxygen to haem groups and allosteric binding of carbon dioxide.
  • B3.1.12
    Bohr shift

  • Students should understand how an increase in carbon dioxide causes increased dissociation of oxygen and the benefits of this for actively respiring tissues.
  • B3.1.13
    Oxygen dissociation curves as a means of representing the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen at different oxygen concentrations

  • Explain the S-shaped form of the curve in terms of cooperative binding.
  • B2.3.8
    Adaptations of type I and type II pneumocytes in alveoli

  • Limit to extreme thinness to reduce distances for diffusion in type I pneumocytes and the presence of many secretory vesicles (lamellar bodies) in the cytoplasm that discharge surfactant to the alveolar lumen in type II pneumocytes. Alveolar epithelium is an example of a tissue where more than one cell type is present, because different adaptations are required for the overall function of the tissue.