bioninja title


SL Content Statements

  • D4.2.8
    Eutrophication of aquatic and marine ecosystems due to leaching

  • Students should understand the effects of eutrophication resulting from leaching of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, including increased biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
  • D4.2.9
    Biomagnification of pollutants in natural ecosystems

  • Students should understand how increased levels of toxins accumulate in the tissues of consumers in higher trophic levels. Include DDT and mercury as examples.
  • D4.2.10
    Effects of microplastic and macroplastic pollution of the oceans

  • Students should understand that plastics are persistent in the natural environment due to non- biodegradability. Include examples of the effects of plastic pollution on marine life.
    NOS: Scientists can influence the actions of citizens if they provide clear information about their research findings. Popular media coverage of the effects of plastic pollution on marine life changed public perception globally, which has driven measures to address this problem.
  • C4.2.19
    Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during combustion of biomass, peat, coal, oil and natural gas

  • Students should appreciate that these carbon sinks vary in date of formation and that combustion following lightning strikes sometimes happens naturally but that human activities have greatly increased combustion rates.