Phenology is the study of the timing of biological events and how these are influenced by seasonal variations or habitat factors
The biological events are controlled by chemical signals that are triggered in response to environmental changes (e.g. day length or temperature patterns)
Examples of phenological events include:
The seasonal development of buds (bud set) and the subsequent emergence of new leaves (bud burst) in deciduous plants
The blooming of flowers to coincide with the activity of pollinators or weather conditions conducive to pollination (e.g. wind, rain)
The migration of birds to different parts of the world in concordance with annual changes in climate
The timing of nesting to ensure that eggs are laid at an appropriate time so that there will be sufficient resources to support the hatchling
The suppression of metabolic activity during winter months to limit energy expenditure in cold climates (i.e. hibernation)
Phenological Events