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Organelles are the discrete subunits of a cell that are adapted to perform specific functions

  • The plasma membrane and ribosomes are universal organelles that are present in every living cell

  • Complex cells (eukaryotes) possess additional membrane-bound organelles that provide further functionality 

Types of Organelles

  • Nucleus

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    • The nucleus is a double membrane structure with pores that stores the genetic material (DNA)

    • Within the nucleus, a specific region called the nucleolus is responsible for ribosome assembly

  • Mitochondria

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    • Mitochondria are responsible for ATP production via the process of aerobic cell respiration

    • It has an inner membrane that is highly folded into cristae in order to increase the SA:Vol ratio

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum

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    • The ER is a membranous network that synthesises and transports materials via vesicles

    • The smooth ER synthesises lipids, while the rough ER synthesises proteins (via ribosomes)

  • Golgi Complex

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    • The golgi apparatus is an assembly of folded membranes responsible for material secretion

    • Material is sorted, stored, modified and exported from the cell within vesicles (exocytosis)

  • Vesicles

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    • Vesicles are membranous containers involved in the transport and storage of materials

    • Peroxisomes are involved in the oxidation of lipids and the digestion of toxic metabolites

    • Lysosomes are responsible for the breakdown of cellular wastes and pathogenic debris

    • Vacuoles are comparatively larger containers that store excess fluid and regulate pH

  • Chloroplast (plants)

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    • An organelle responsible for photosynthesis (converting light energy into chemical energy)

    • Chloroplasts use the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll to absorb and utilise light energy

  • Centrosome (animals)

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    • Centrosomes function as microtubule-organising centres composed of paired centrioles

    • They contribute towards cell division in animal cells (plants and fungi use other structures)

  • Nucleus

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    • Double membrane structure that stores genetic material / DNA

    • A nucleolus is a dark region in a nucleus that makes ribosomes 

  • Mitochondria

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    • Responsible for ATP production (via aerobic cell respiration)

    • The inner membrane is highly folded to increase SA:Vol ratio

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum

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    • A membranous network that transports materials via vesicles

    • Smooth ER synthesises lipids ; rough ER synthesises proteins

  • Golgi Complex

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    • An assembly of folded membranes used for material secretion

    • Material is sorted, stored, modified and exported from the cell

  • Vesicles

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    • Membrane sacs involved in transport and storage of material

    • Peroxisomes are involved in the digestion of toxic metabolites

    • Lysosomes are responsible for breaking down cellular wastes

    • Vacuoles are comparatively larger sacs that store excess fluid

  • Chloroplast (plants)

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    • Structure responsible for photosynthesis (in plant cells only)

    • Uses the pigment chlorophyll to absorb and utilise sunlight

  • Centrosome (animals)

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    • Microtubule-organising centre composed of paired centrioles

    • Contributes towards mitotic cell division (in animal cells only)


Certain cellular components are not considered to be organelles: 

  • Cell walls are not considered organelles as they are extracellular components

  • Cytoskeletons and cytosol are categorised as structural elements as opposed to distinctive organelles