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Okazaki Fragments

DNA polymerase cannot initiate replication, it can only add new nucleotides to an existing strand

  • For DNA replication to occur, an RNA primer must first be synthesised to provide an attachment point for DNA polymerase

  • DNA polymerase then adds nucleotides to the 3’ end of a primer, extending the new chain in a 5’ → 3’ direction

Leading versus Lagging Strands

Because double-stranded DNA is antiparallel, DNA polymerase must move in opposite directions on the two strands

  • On the leading strand, DNA polymerase is moving towards the replication fork and so can copy continuously

  • On the lagging strand, DNA polymerase is moving away from the replication fork, meaning copying is discontinuous

    • As DNA polymerase is moving away from helicase, it must constantly return to copy newly separated stretches of DNA

    • This means the lagging strand is copied as a series of short fragments (Okazaki fragments), each preceded by a primer

    • The primers are replaced with DNA bases and the fragments joined together by a combination of DNA pol I and DNA ligase

Okazaki Fragments