bioninja title

Membrane Structure

SL Content Statements

  • B2.1.1
    Lipid bilayers as the basis of cell membranes

  • Phospholipids and other amphipathic lipids naturally form continuous sheet-like bilayers in water.
  • B2.1.2
    Lipid bilayers as barriers

  • Students should understand that the hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains that form the core of a membrane have low permeability to large molecules and hydrophilic particles, including ions and polar molecules, so membranes function as effective barriers between aqueous solutions.
  • B2.1.4
    Integral and peripheral proteins in membranes

  • Emphasise that membrane proteins have diverse structures, locations and functions. Integral proteins are embedded in one or both of the lipid layers of a membrane. Peripheral proteins are attached to one or other surface of the bilayer.
  • B2.1.9
    Structure and function of glycoproteins and glycolipids

  • Limit to carbohydrate structures linked to proteins or lipids in membranes, location of carbohydrates on the extracellular side of the membranes, and roles in cell adhesion and cell recognition.
  • B2.1.10
    Fluid mosaic model of membrane structure

  • Students should be able to draw a two-dimensional representation of the model and include peripheral and integral proteins, glycoproteins, phospholipids and cholesterol. Indicate hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions.
  • B1.1.12
    Formation of phospholipid bilayers as a consequence of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions

  • Students should use and understand the term “amphipathic”.