bioninja title

Introduction to Cells

SL Content Statements

  • A2.2.1
    Cells as the basic structural unit of all living organisms

  • NOS: Students should be aware that deductive reason can be used to generate predictions from theories. Based on cell theory, a newly discovered organism can be predicted to consist of one or more cells.
  • A2.2.2
    Microscopy skills

  • AOS: Students should have experience of making temporary mounts of cells and tissues, staining, measuring sizes using an eyepiece graticule, focusing with coarse and fine adjustments, calculating actual size and magnification, producing a scale bar and taking photographs.
    NOS: Students should appreciate that measurement using instruments is a form of quantitative observation.
  • A2.2.3
    Developments in microscopy

  • Include the advantages of electron microscopy, freeze fracture, cryogenic electron microscopy, and the use of fluorescent stains and immunofluorescence in light microscopy.
  • A2.2.4
    Structures common to cells in all living organisms

  • Typical cells have DNA as genetic material and a cytoplasm composed mainly of water, which is enclosed by a plasma membrane composed of lipids. Students should understand the reasons for these structures.
  • A2.2.7
    Processes of life in unicellular organisms

  • Include these functions: homeostasis, metabolism, nutrition, movement, excretion, growth, response to stimuli and reproduction.
  • A2.2.9
    Atypical cell structure in eukaryotes

  • Use numbers of nuclei to illustrate one type of atypical cell structure in aseptate fungal hyphae, skeletal muscle, red blood cells and phloem sieve tube elements.