bioninja title


SL Content Statements

  • D3.1.8
    Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

  • Include production of gametes inside ovules and pollen grains, pollination, pollen development and fertilization to produce an embryo. Students should understand that reproduction in flowering plants is sexual, even if a plant species is hermaphroditic.
  • D3.1.9
    Features of an insect-pollinated flower

  • Students should draw diagrams annotated with names of structures and their functions.
  • D3.1.10
    Methods of promoting cross-pollination

  • Include different maturation times for pollen and stigma, separate male and female flowers or male and female plants. Also include the role of animals or wind in transferring pollen between plants.
  • D3.1.11
    Self-incompatibility mechanisms to increase genetic variation within a species

  • Students should understand that self-pollination leads to inbreeding, which decreases genetic diversity and vigour. They should also understand that genetic mechanisms in many plant species ensure male and female gametes fusing during fertilization are from different plants.
  • D3.1.12
    Dispersal and germination of seeds

  • Distinguish seed dispersal from pollination. Include the growth and development of the embryo and the mobilization of food reserves.