bioninja title

Drawing Cells

Prokaryote: Bacteria


When drawing prokaryotic cells, the following should be included:

  • The genophore (bacterial chromosome) should be drawn as a loop (prokaryotic DNA is circular)

  • Pili and flagella should project from the cell wall (which is composed of peptidoglycan in bacteria)

  • Ribosomes should be drawn as filled in dots (not as empty circles) and labelled as 70S in size

  • A flagellum should be thicker than pili and significantly longer in length

  • The shape should be appropriate to the type of bacteria (hint: bacillus are rod-shaped)

Eukaryote: Animal Cell


When drawing animal cells, the following should be included:

  • The nucleus should be a double membrane structure with pores (any chromosomes should be linear)

  • The ER network should be shown as connected membranes, but golgi membranes should be unconnected

  • Ribosomes should be drawn as filled in dots (not as empty circles) and labelled as 80S in size

  • Mitochondria should be sausage-shaped and the inner membrane highly folded (into cristae)

  • Peroxisomes, lysosomes and secretory vesicles should all look the same (except for the labelling) 

Eukaryote: Plant Cell


When drawing animal cells, the following should be included:

  • A large central vacuole should be included that occupies significant space within the cell

  • A cell wall made of cellulose should be included as a thicker line external to the plasma membrane

  • Chloroplasts should be double-membrane structures with internal stacks of flattened discs (grana)