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DNA Tools

DNA can be manipulated using a number of molecular techniques in order to fulfil a wide array of biotechnological applications

  • DNA can be amplified via the polymerase chain reaction

  • DNA can be separated via agarose gel electrophoresis


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an artificial method of replicating DNA under laboratory conditions

  • The PCR technique is used to amplify large quantities of a specific sequence of DNA from an initial minute sample

  • Each reaction doubles the amount of DNA – a standard PCR sequence of 30 cycles creates over 1 billion copies (230)

The reaction occurs in a thermal cycler and uses variations in temperature to control the replication process via three steps:

  1. Denaturation – DNA sample is heated (~90ºC) to separate the two strands

  2. Annealing – Sample is cooled (~55ºC) to allow primers to anneal (primers designate sequence to be copied)

  3. Elongation – Sample is heated to the optimal temperature for a heat-tolerant polymerase (Taq) to function (~75ºC)

Taq polymerase is an enzyme isolated from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus

  • As this enzyme’s optimal temperature is ~75ºC, it is able to function at the high temperatures used in PCR without denaturing

  • Taq polymerase extends the nucleotide chain from the primers – therefore primers are used to select the sequence to be copied

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to separate and isolate DNA fragments based on mass / size

  • DNA may be cut into fragments using restriction endonuclease – different DNA samples will generate different fragment lengths

  • Samples are placed in a block of gel and an electric current is applied which causes the samples to move through the gel

  • Fragments separate because DNA is negatively charged due to the presence of a phosphate group (PO43–) on each nucleotide

  • Smaller samples are less impeded by the gel matrix and hence will move faster through the gel

  • This causes samples of different sizes to separate as they travel at different speeds

Gel Electrophoresis Overview