Illustrate ecosystem stability with evidence of forest, desert or other ecosystems that have shown continuity over long periods. There is evidence for some ecosystems persisting for millions of years.
Requirements for stability in ecosystems
Include supply of energy, recycling of nutrients, genetic diversity and climatic variables remaining within tolerance levels.
Deforestation of Amazon rainforest as an example of a possible tipping point in ecosystem stability
Include the need for a large area of rainforest for the generation of atmospheric water vapour by transpiration, with consequent cooling, air flows and rainfall. Include uncertainty over the minimum area of rainforest that is sufficient to maintain these processes. AOS: Students should be able to calculate percentage change. In this case the extent of deforestation can be assessed by calculating the percentage change from the original area of forest.
Use of a model to investigate the effect of variables on ecosystem stability
Mesocosms can be set up in open tanks but sealed glass vessels are preferable because entry and exit of matter can be prevented but energy transfer is still possible. Aquatic or microbial ecosystems are likely to be more successful than terrestrial ones. NOS: Care and maintenance of the mesocosms should follow IB experimental guidelines.
Role of keystone species in the stability of ecosystems
Students should appreciate the disproportionate impact on community structure of keystone species and the risk of ecosystem collapse if they are removed.
Assessing sustainability of resource harvesting from natural ecosystems
Sustainability depends on the rate of harvesting being lower than the rate of replacement. Include one terrestrial plant species and one species of marine fish as examples of renewable resources and how sustainability of harvesting can be assessed.
Factors affecting the sustainability of agriculture
Include the need to consider soil erosion, leaching of nutrients, supply of fertilizers and other inputs, pollution due to agrochemicals, and carbon footprint.
Eutrophication of aquatic and marine ecosystems due to leaching
Students should understand the effects of eutrophication resulting from leaching of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, including increased biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
Biomagnification of pollutants in natural ecosystems
Students should understand how increased levels of toxins accumulate in the tissues of consumers in higher trophic levels. Include DDT and mercury as examples.
Effects of microplastic and macroplastic pollution of the oceans
Students should understand that plastics are persistent in the natural environment due to non- biodegradability. Include examples of the effects of plastic pollution on marine life. NOS: Scientists can influence the actions of citizens if they provide clear information about their research findings. Popular media coverage of the effects of plastic pollution on marine life changed public perception globally, which has driven measures to address this problem.
Restoration of natural processes in ecosystems by rewilding
Methods should include reintroduction of apex predators and other keystone species, re-establishment of connectivity of habitats over large areas, and minimization of human impact including by ecological management. Include the example of Hinewai Reserve in New Zealand.
AHL Content Statements
Ecological succession and its causes
Succession can be triggered by changes in both an abiotic environment and in biotic factors.
Changes occurring during primary succession
Use any suitable terrestrial example to illustrate these general principles: increases in size of plants, amount of primary production, species diversity, complexity of food webs and amount of nutrient cycling.
Cyclical succession in ecosystems
Students should appreciate that in some ecosystems there is a cycle of communities rather than a single unchanging climax community. Students should refer to an example.
Climax communities and arrested succession
Given any specific environmental conditions, ecological succession tends to lead to a particular type of climax community, but human influences can prevent this from developing. Use grazing by farm livestock and drainage of wetlands as examples.