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Fluid-Mosaic Model

Cell membranes are represented according to a fluid-mosaic model, due to the fact that they are:

  • Fluid – the phospholipid bilayer is viscous and individual phospholipids can move position

  • Mosaic – the phospholipid bilayer is embedded with proteins, resulting in a mosaic of components

When drawing the fluid-mosaic model, it is important to correctly represent the following:

  • Phospholipids should be arranged in a bilayer, with the polar and non-polar regions identified

  • Glycoproteins and glycolipids should be facing the extracellular side of the membrane

  • Integral proteins should be embedded within the bilayer, while peripheral proteins should be anchored to one side

  • Cholesterol may be included in animal cell membranes (it will be interspersed between the fatty acid tails)

Fluid-Mosaic Model